Feminist Ethics, Single Motherhood and the Question of Child Development



Child Development, Education, Feminist Ethics, Human Values, Parenting, Responsibility/Responsiveness, Single Motherhood


Aim and Objectives: The contemporariness of single motherhood has been growing very and convincing as an emerging way of familyhood, and this is in relations with the challenging natures of child development, especially by educating the young as many of them are products of unplanned and planned single parenting, more notably, the single mothers. This is owing to the natures of the emerging divergent social values and ideological interests on marital relevance and continence and on the complexity of the willingness of the female folks to submit to the ontological authority of male folk in marriage. It recognized that the issues associated with moral state of living in terms of “mothers” rather than “wives” endeavour is based on the capacity to raise alone the children of such arrangement showed the level of individual responsiveness and resilience.

Methodology: Employing phenomenological method of analysis, the paper projects that importance of educating the human society on the values of feminist ethics as approaches in handling the societal perception of single motherhood and developmental conditions in educating the children independently of the “fathers:”

Findings: The raising of the young by single mothers has been more evaluated to be accidental than being pre-meditated or pre-planned. Such issues are contemporarily been hinged on the contexts of feminist ethics, where the female folks, especially as victims or planned vendors of single parenting, are ethically justified in advocating the societal values and acceptance to normalize such social conditions or situations, rather than being victimized or traumatized or demoralized, as a way sustaining their dignity and values.

Conclusion: It concluded that with proper education on the growing nature of single motherhood, the society will be readily understood the thrust values of feminist ethics on trying to justify the contemporary conditions of women as “only mothers rather than “wives” in our emerging society of divergent social and moral responsiveness.

Author Biography

  • Philip Osarobu Isanbor, Seminary of All Saints, Ekpoma, Nigeria.

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy,




How to Cite

Isanbor, P. O. (2024). Feminist Ethics, Single Motherhood and the Question of Child Development. THE PROGRESS: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5(2), 24-33. https://hnpublisher.com/ojs/index.php/TP/article/view/374