Christians’ Involvement in Partisan Politics: A Necessary Evil in Contemporary Nigeria



Christians’ Involvement, Partisan Politics, Necessary Evil, Nigeria


Aim of the Study: The controversy on whether Christians should take active part in politics is as old as Christian history. That notwithstanding, it is an incontestable fact that the Christian has a very significant and inalienable role to play in seeking for the desired change and the common good of the citizens. From the biblical point of view, Christians as light and salt of the world and people vested with the good news of liberation of the poor and captive, it is imperative that Christians with integrity should be involved in partisan politics and aspire to political leadership.

Methodology: The methods adopted in this study are the sociological and interactive models of enquiry in the gathering of information.

Findings: The work discovered that Christians have succeeded in many other areas of endeavours in this country and beyond, but not in the political terrain because they were discouraged from involving in partisan politics.

Conclusion & Recommendations: So, there is the need to build a great nation through integrity and effective Christians’ participation. In order to build a great nation, the Church that is the custodian of God’s righteousness should rise up to their political responsibilities and participate. It is recommended that Christians must desist from considering partisan politics as a dirty game played by deprived minds and unfit for committed Christians. Politics is therefore seen as a decent activity that should be embraced by other Christian organizations in order to achieve the needed change in contemporary society.

Author Biographies

  • Dr. Odudele Rotimi, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Nigeria.

    Department of Arts Education, 

  • Isaac Olusola Ayegunle, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Nigeria.

    Department of Arts Education, 




How to Cite

Rotimi, O. ., & Ayegunle, I. O. . (2023). Christians’ Involvement in Partisan Politics: A Necessary Evil in Contemporary Nigeria. THE PROGRESS: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 4(2), 51-60.