Portrayal of Women in Pakistani Dramas and its Impact on Pakistani Society and Culture


  • Iqra Tabassum Foundation University Rawalpindi Campus, Rawalpindi. Author
  • Salman Amin Foundation University Rawalpindi Campus, Rawalpindi. Author




TV Dramas, Pakistani Society, Culture


Everyone knows the impotence of television and its content to us. We cannot deny the fact that TV dramas affect our lives in many ways. Pakistani entertainment channels e.g., PTV, ARY Digital and HUM TV are major channels that telecast various drama serials having a huge impact on women and men life and playing a great role in showing various cultural aspects. So, to examine the effect of dramas on behavior and mindset of women and men, a sample size of 100 women and men was selected to investigate the objectives of the study. Study was conducted in Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus. The study concluded that these TV channels are more likely to blur our Islamic values and are encouraging the great number of men to divorce women and most importantly portraying the negative image of women. Such content affecting people’s mentality negatively and fading true cultural values of Pakistani.

Author Biographies

  • Iqra Tabassum, Foundation University Rawalpindi Campus, Rawalpindi.

    Researcher, Department of Arts and Media, 

  • Salman Amin, Foundation University Rawalpindi Campus, Rawalpindi.

    Lecturer, Department of Arts and Media, 




How to Cite

Tabassum, I. ., & Amin, S. (2023). Portrayal of Women in Pakistani Dramas and its Impact on Pakistani Society and Culture. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1), 23-31. https://doi.org/10.71016/hnjss/ca5spg64