Self-representation of Private Universities in Lahore through Captioned Facebook Wall-Posts: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Facebook Wall-posts, Self-representation, Multimodality, SFLAbstract
Aim of the Study: The study aimed at analyzing self-representation of private universities in Lahore through captioned Facebook wall-posts. Research objectives of the study included analyzing multimodal features of the captioned Facebook wall-posts of the selected private universities in Lahore, analyzing how private universities are self-representing themselves on social media through their wall-posts and identifying the multimodal features which are common in Facebook wall-posts of both the selected universities.
Methodology: This study was qualitative in nature, three different models to analyze the data, Systemic Functional Linguistics (2005), Multimodal analysis (2007), and Self-representation in social media (2017).
Findings and Conclusion: This study concluded that universities use different multimodal features to represent their identities in the social media platforms. The private universities in Lahore employ a range of discursive strategies to shape their identities on social media platforms, these strategies include the use of language, images, and visual design elements to convey specific messages and create desired impressions among their target audience. The universities utilize a combination of persuasive techniques, such as showcasing campus facilities, highlighting academic achievements, and promoting extracurricular activities, to present themselves as reputable educational institutions that offer a comprehensive and enriching experience to students.
Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Waqasia Naeem, Afshan Quyyum, Sidra Haroon (Author)

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