Exploring the Challenges, Coping Strategies and Motivational Factors of Non-Traditional Pakistani University Students





Phenomenological Approach, Snowball Sampling, In-depth Interviews, Thematic Analysis, Coping Strategies


Aim of the Study: The present study aimed to explore the experiences and challenges of non-traditional Pakistani university students. A Non-traditional student is defined as an individual who returns to a college as a part time or full time student while dealing with other responsibilities simultaneously after for a gap of at least 2 years (Cross, 1980).

Methodology: The present study used phenomenological approach to explore the lived experiences of six non-traditional students from private universities of Lahore. Participants were recruited using snowball sampling technique. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to gather data. Interviews were audio recorded with the permission from the participants and then were transcribed for data analysis. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data.

Findings: After analysis of data three themes emerged from the data namely; Problems encountered by non-traditional students, Coping strategies used by non-traditional students and the Motivational factors to continue study despite the challenges encountered by non-traditional students. Among them household chores, family related problems, burden of studies, distractions and less time for study were the main problems.

Conclusion: Study concluded that completing work beforehand, positive self-talk, supportive family and teachers, reinforcement, wanting to do something productive were considered to be the coping strategies and motivational factors for such students.

Author Biographies

  • Amber Baseer, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

    PhD Scholar, Centre for Clinical Psychology,

  • Prof. Dr. Saima Dawood, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

    Professor, Centre for Clinical Psychology,




How to Cite

Baseer, A. ., & Dawood, S. . (2024). Exploring the Challenges, Coping Strategies and Motivational Factors of Non-Traditional Pakistani University Students. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 73-90. https://doi.org/10.71016/hnjss/4vx87m47