Facebook as a Tool of Catfishing: An Analytical Study of University Students



Catfishing, Facebook, Digital Vulnerability


Aim of the Study: This study aims to highlight the catfishing hoax by using the medium of Facebook where a catfisher simulates someone else by using other’s enchanting pictures to make someone impress so that he can easily plunder a target person due to digital vulnerability.

Methodology: In this study quantitative method has used with survey construction. In this study sample size (N=387) participants participated in survey to answer the questions using questionnaire.

Findings: Findings showed female responded more than male like 213 were female and 174 were male  they responded that catfishing phenomenon is occurring on different social networking sites but Facebook is an ideal medium for catfisher where there is no difficulty to impersonate the target person.

Conclusion: The study concludes that catfishing can be controlled by the help of law enforcement agency (FIA) and individual effort such as setting up strong passwords and stopping unfamiliar friend request.

Author Biographies

  • Sidra Maheen, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan.

    MPhil, School of Media and Communication Studies, 

  • Dr. Abdul Ghani, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan.

    Assistant Professor, School of Media and Communication Studies, 

  • Anam Syed, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan.

    MPhil, School of Media and Communication Studies, 




How to Cite

Maheen, S. ., Ghani, A. ., & Syed, A. . (2023). Facebook as a Tool of Catfishing: An Analytical Study of University Students. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 464-472. https://hnpublisher.com/ojs/index.php/HNJSS/article/view/161